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Book Detail
- Author:
- Title:
- Code Universel et Methodique des Nouvelles Lois Francaises, ou Recueil complet de tous les Decrets de l'Assemblee Nationale, divises par ordre de Matieres; avec des notes et explications pour en faciliter l'intelligence et l'execution [etc.]
- Publisher:
- No Publisher, Paris?, 1791?.
- Description:
- The rare prospectus describing the proposed work designed to organize systematically the legislation of the National Assembly, as it transformed France and became "the much broader movement that has come to be known as the French Revolution"
- Condition:
- Four pages (one sheet folded), the fore-edge untrimmed, rather chipped and somewhat darkened, yet the margins still ample; one copy in OCLC
- Book No.:
- W-76040
- Price:
- $ 850.00
- Category:
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