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Book Detail
- Author:
- Fisher (ed.), H.A.L.
- Title:
- The Collected Papers of Frederic William Maitland, Downing Professor of the Laws of England. Three Volumes [complete]
- Publisher:
- Logos & Co., Tokyo, 1975.
- Description:
- The rich harvest of Maitland's scholarship brought together by his brother-in-law, Herbert Fisher, comprising some sixty-eight papers otherwise widely scattered, and including "much of Maitland's best and most original work"
- Condition:
- Original cloth, gilt a very good set; the rare facsimile reissue of the 1911 Cambridge edition, no copy in OCLC or COPAC
- Book No.:
- W-68603
- Price:
- $ 450.00
- Category:
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